Saturday, October 6, 2012

Castles, Cathedrals and Crazy Drivers

It's been a few days, but it doesn't mean we haven't been doing anything, but rather that we've been very busy.  On Thursday, we had the pleasure of getting to visit the Heidelberg Castle.  It is absolutely spectacular and the views are amazing.  Heidelberg is such a beautiful city.  Our first restaurant that we went to in Heidelberg happened to serve fantastic hamburgers.  On Friday we attended a wonderful holiday bazaar on Patrick Henry Village (the base that Marcus lives on in Heidelberg).  Friday night, we attended a homecoming pep rally for the Heidelberg High School football team.  They had a bon-fire that looked to be about 20 feet high.  That night we had barbecued hot dogs.  We really need to get out and get some schnitzel!  This is a picture of the Heidelberg Castle. 

Today, we drove to Cologne (Koln).  We visited Cologne Dom.  The construction of this Cathedral was started in 1248.  It wasn't finished until 1880.  It may have taken a long time to build, but it was well worth it.  There was a lot of destruction in World War II, but it has been (and still is) restored beautifully.  We ate at XII Apostel in Koln and had phenomenal food.  We also had our first German beer and toast at a pub called Papa Joe's.  Packed and crowded and great beer.  The drive to Cologne from Heidelberg is through Rhein Valley is just lovely this time of year.  And that reminds me, we picked up our rental car on Friday and so I was the one driving on the autobahn.  I would highly suggest just staying to the right.  It is crazy how fast they go in the left!  Having a great time and doing a lot of laughing (and eating).

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